Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Buckway Up-dates

Hello Hello! So I figured it's about time I update you on the lives of the Buckway's. Sorry its been so long since my last entry. I guess I will try to start from when I left off. The summer eventually came to an end in San Fransisco. Probably the highlight of our summer was when my family came for a visit. We were constantly doing one fun thing after another; Fisherman's Wharf, Alcatraz Island, Muir Woods, etc. etc. I truly can't imagine a more wonderful, supportive, fun, and loving family then my own. They are all so great. I am definitely one lucky gal. Above are some pictures of us in Muir Woods. The tree's were huge! The summer as a whole was a bunch of fun, however, I think that we are definitely done with summer sales for a a good while.

1 comment:

De said...

hey ellie how are you I love u so much.see ya dede